I understand that it’s not always possible to hire an attorney. Whether due to availability of funds or any other reason, sometimes you’re just in a situation where you’ve got to do it yourself.
I have gathered together some links to free legal resources that may help you out. This is not an exhaustive list. Not every free resource will be appropriate to you. In addition, there are occasionally free legal clinics scheduled by various organizations that may be able to help you, so you are encouraged to check your local community calendars for such free legal advice clinics.
Be forewarned, though, that representing yourself in legal matters is not the easiest thing to do, and you can accidentally make things worse. Moreover, I make no warranty or guarantee regarding the quality or accuracy of any of the linked sites.
Without any further ado, here are some helpful links.
Texas Law Help is a website dedicated to providing free and reliable legal information to low-income Texans. It is a project of the Texas Legal Services Center, and is supported by the Texas Access to Justice Foundation, Texas Bar Foundation, Travis County Law Library, and Texas Legal Aid Organizations.
The Texas Bar Lawyer Referral Information Service (LRIS) is the official lawyer referral service of the State Bar of Texas. While the LRIS staff is unable to provide legal advice, they maintain an extensive directory of participating attorneys in various geographic regions and practice areas that they can connect you with.
The San Antonio Bar Association’s Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is the official lawyer referral service of the San Antonio Bar Association (SABA) and can refer you to attorneys in the San Antonio/Bexar County area.
Find Legal Help is a project of the American Bar Association (ABA), provided as a public service by the American Bar Association’s Legal Services Division.
Texas Riogrande Legal Aid (TRLA) formerly Texas Rural Legal Aid, is a legal aid provider focused on provides free civil legal services to residents in 68 Southwest Texas counties, and more.
ABA Free Legal Answers is a virtual legal advice clinic. Qualifying users post their civil legal question to their state’s website. Users will then be emailed when their question receives a response. Attorney volunteers, who must be authorized to provide pro bono assistance in their state, log in to the website, select questions to answer, and provide legal information and advice. Volunteer attorneys will not answer criminal law questions.
This is a map of legal aid programs provided by the Texas Courts. Please keep in mind that the courts do not provide direct legal services, represent individuals in legal matters, maintain a list of pro bono attorneys, or match individuals with pro bono attorneys. Please understand that funding for legal services is extremely limited and as a result, programs must turn away many with serious legal needs.
The Texas State Law Library provides a list of legal clinics and hotlines. Not all areas of law are represented here, but you may be able to find some free legal help.
If you have a probate, guardianship, elder law, or other related matter, the websites of Bexar County Probate Court 1 and Bexar County Probate Court 2 may have some relevant or helpful information for you.
If you are looking to make certain corporate/entity filings, the Texas Secretary of State’s Office is a good place to start your research.
If you are looking to get a very basic introductory education on various legal issues, you can also begin by perusing my collection of infographics here.