Ryan Reiffert Provides Poison Pill Insight to Benzinga

“Poison Pills: A Common Component In Lawmaking, M&A And Now Cannabis”, an article published in late May, 2020, gives insight into a common legal and political practice: Poison Pills. The poison pill’s original genesis is in the Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) context. In the legislative context, these amendments add amendments to existing legislation with the intent to render the legislation unpopular and in turn, unpassed. Ryan Reiffert, a business attorney with extensive knowledge of the law, helped define this concept by contextualizing Poison Pills. This knowledge included with Andrew Ward’s, the author of the article, gives readers a concise overview and understanding of this concept. You can read the full article here. We were glad to share our knowledge on the subject, and we are always available to share legal advice and insight on other topics. Contact us here.

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